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Membership Benefits

Gain access to notification of events, education and professional resources available exclusively to members.

BRIPAN creates forum for networking amongst Insolvency and Business Recovery practitioners.

Opportunity to discuss relevant issues with leading insolvency practitioners across the Country.

Opportunity to join advocacy and pressure groups to engage regulators and lawmakers for the improvement of the law and practice of insolvency in Nigeria.
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Feedback from our Members
Talking about the organization with best and most qualifies profesional practitioners, BRIPAN must be counted first. Joining BRIPAN is the greatest achievemet of my life, they have trained, motivated and solved so many problems I was facing which are subject to insolvency and business recovery. I never regreted a day becoming the part of this organization.
James Usman Team LeadFrequently Asked Questions
Admission is open to members of professional bodies including: ICAN, NBA, Chartered Institute of Bankers (of Nigeria), a member of any such other body that may be accredited from time to time by the Council of the Association, any other professional interested in Business Recovery and Insolvency Practice may also be considered on a case by case basis.
Our Trusted Partners

Feedback from our Members
BRIPAN is a very professional organization, clearly dedicated to insolvency growth in Nigeria. Skillfully selected facilitators who are articulate. Very good in terms of knowledge of subject matter and presentable skills. With no doubt in mind, I am privileged to join this organization for my professional business transformation.
Victor Dwae Product Designer